Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly was a famous American starlet who ended up living every girl’s dream of becoming a princess. This American celebrity married the prince of Monaco at the age of 26 and left Hollywood behind to become a monarch. Who was Grace Kelly? Was she an American icon? Was she the much-needed life support of an antiquated royal family? Was she just a trendsetter who got lucky or was the character of Grace Kelly something that biographers, historians, and paparazzi all missed entirely? 
Conspiracy theorists and gossip column veterans seemed to have had a field day ever since Kelly’s car ran off the side of a cliff and led to her untimely demise. But greater than any Hollywood cliff-hanger, the life of Grace Kelly demands our attention and respect. 

Inside you will read about...

✓ Early Modeling Career
✓ Parental Problems
✓ Work with Hitchcock
✓ To Catch a Prince
✓ Princess or Prisoner
And much more!

So, let us move beyond the many years of hype and hyperbole. Come along with us as we explore the true-life story of an American princess; come along with us as we come to grips with the life of Grace Kelly.

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