Marilyn Monroe

She vigorously played the dumb-blonde stereotype in her movie roles, but there is nothing at all dumb about Marilyn Monroe. Born to a single mother who suffered from severe mental illness, the odds were stacked against the girl originally named Norma Jeane from the very beginning. She became a ward of the state and bounced around from foster home to foster home. The fact that she rose from such impoverished beginnings to become one of the top-billed acts in Hollywood speaks for itself. 

Inside you will read about...

✓ From Foster Child to Movie Star
✓ The Scene with the White Dress
✓ Marilyn the Jew
✓ Diagnosis of Paranoid Schizophrenia
✓ Marilyn’s First Overdose
✓ The Presidential Affair
✓ Locked in the Psych Ward
And much more!

Discover the life and legend that is Marilyn Monroe.

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